1. Which female character reigned as the ultimate goddess in 2024? 👑🏆

    Beige and Yellow Simple Cyber Sale Photo Collage Email Header 3

    For female characters marked by their beauty, strength, story, or impact. Who deserves to take home the Golden Aphrodite? 🏆

    Who will win this award: Eve (Stellar Blade), Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom), Tifa (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth), Gran (Five Hearts Under One Roof), Aerith (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth), or Raven (Stellar Blade)?

    1. 1872370238010102245 Gfv zcCaYAAKN8h
      Eve (Stellar Blade)
    2. zelda echoes of wisdom 1
      Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom)
    3. tifa2 4
      Tifa (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth)
    4. ram 3
      Gran (Five Hearts Under One Roof)
    5. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ventes 1
      Aerith (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth)
    6. SaveClip.App 472109135 18212641213292887 525664518011401209 n 2
      Raven (Stellar Blade)
    6 votes
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